Alaska dipnetting explained

06/23/2016 A river in Alaska

Driving down Alaska’s Seward Highway on a sunny summer afternoon, you may notice people standing shoulder to shoulder, reaching big nets on poles out into the water. What are they doing out there? The answer: dipnetting!Dipnetting is a method of fishing used for catching salmon and hooligan that’s available to…

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6 activities that make Alaska the best place for Father’s Day

06/16/2016 Two fisherman stand in the river

There are many things that Alaska excels at, and one of them is being home to nearly each and every one of the classic “dad activities.” When it’s time to celebrate dear old dad, we can’t think of a better place to be than Alaska! Fishing – Chances are you…

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Curious Alaska phenomena: Fata Morgana

06/14/2016 Shoreline reflections in a lake

A nod to Morgan le Fay, a sorceress from the King Arthur legends, Fata Morgana is an atmospheric optical illusion caused by warm air trapping in cold air beneath it. In other words, it’s a temperature inversion that does some pretty weird things to your interpretation of whatever is on…

Posted in: Alaska & the Yukon
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